admin 发表于 2011-8-29 02:01:00

The Google Best Practices Guide

The Google Best Practices Guide is the only guide available based strictly on test results.TO ACHIEVE High Rankings in Google , You Need 583 Domains Working For You To Show You How To Dominate Google. Google isn't going to tell you how things really work with their algorithm, and the whole Matt Cutts "nofollow" issue is a clear indication of that. You need a trusted source to get you the right information - at the right time.This is the only guide you will need to improve your Google rankings. The Google Best Practices Guide contains information found no where else. You will learn SEO techniques that have been proven through countless hours of testing on real domains. I share same optimization techniques that I've used to build 583 dominant websites.
Let's face it, there are many Search Engine "Gurus" that claim Matt Cutts of Google is one of their "best buddies" and that he gives them "secret inside information" no one else knows. I have one question when I hear this: How long do you think Google would keep Matt around if he was leaking "secret information" about the Google search filters and algorithms.

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