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KMPlayer pre2 FIXED (1/6/2009) Portable

贾君鹏 发表于 2009-7-20 15:36:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p align="center"><img src="" /></p><p> <center></center></p><p align="center"><b>KMPlayer pre2 FIXED (1/6/2009) | 16.8MB</b></p><p> <p>Choosing a multimedia player used to be a real no-brainer</p><p> <span id="more-902"></span><p>Recent changes in KMPlayer:    </p><p>* New Codecs have been updated     <br />* The two simultaneous [Default] albums created in the Playlist fixed     <br />* Support for 5 buttons mouse (back/forward) =&gt; Preferences (F2) -&gt; General -&gt; Keyboard/Mouse -&gt; Click on 1st X-button &amp; Click on 2nd X-button     <br />* Reduce KMPlayer.exe binary size.     <br />* Default Preference value adjusted: Main Menu -&gt; Options -&gt; [Advanced Menu] Off     <br />* Default preference value adjusted: General -&gt; Repeat/Playlist -&gt; [Playlist] tab -&gt; [v] Clear default playlist items on exit. Checked.     <br />* Incremental &quot;Audio Volume&quot; function added. (Preferences (F2) -&gt; Audio Processing -&gt; Volume -&gt; Volume Steps     <br />* New icon added.     <br />* MediaInfo Library update.     <br />* Improved thumbnail extraction speed.     <br />* Unicode Supported.     <br />* Removal of empty folder when removing movie file. (Registry Option)     <br />* If ThumbnailStoreType is set at a value other than 0, then improper play of videos solved     <br />* Audio file indication option added     <br />* Thumbnail error fixed     <br />* Deletion of *.jpg File when deleting file from registry’s thumbnail extraction pass     <br />* Deletion of empty folder when deleting a file     <br />* Removal of list in BlackList.txt when removing movie file.     <br />* Open album target pass via search engine added     <br />* Audio file image included     <br />* Readjust the horizontal size the album tab located at the top     <br />* Christmas &amp; New year Skin</p><p align="center"><b>Download      <br /><a href="" target="_blank">Uploading</a>&#160; |&#160; <a href="" target="_blank">Hotfile</a></b></p>
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