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【链接类】 Linkok URL 2.1 破解版

chung35 发表于 2008-8-28 22:31:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Linklok URL allows you to place links to download files on your website while securely hiding the true location of the files. The actual files linked to can actually be stored anywhere on your server (within or outside of webroot) or even on another server on the other side of the world! Links are automatically authenticated using MD5 and can be set to expire between 1 minute and several years after creation if required. Links can also be locked to the users IP address ensuring they can't be shared even before they expire! There is basically no way an internet user can find out the actual location of your files.

Linklok URL允许你创建一个隐藏你服务器上真实文件位置的下载链接,而实际的文件地址可以在你服务器上的任何地方(在或者不在web根目录下)或者在其他地方的其他的服务器上.链接会使用MD5值自动进行验证,如果需要的话还可以设置一个1分钟至几年不等的有效期,链接甚至可以锁定IP以保证在失效前不会被共享.网络用户几乎不可能发现你的真实文件位置.

麻雀 发表于 2008-8-28 23:34:26 | 显示全部楼层

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